Ciara's Universe

My Monthly Diary
My Biography
My Monthly Diary
My Baby Pictures
My Family Pictures
My Friends Pictures
Other Pictures


Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The sun is shining, and the beach was awesome today. I had yesterday off and the beach was cold,I have tomorrow off and I hope it's just like it was today. I did get a little bit burnt today, but that's not going to keep me away from the beach on my day off. If you are wondering what sort of person gets three days off in a row and doesn't plan a vacation, I'll tell you I didn't ask for these days off, my boss just gave them too me because she is an evil girl and is making me work the entire 4th of july weekend, so to cover her ass so I wouldn't hell at her she gave me a little break before hand. I'm fine with the shedule. My friend Anna, called me out of the blue yesterday, she is one of those friends that calls you every other month of so, you know the type that you wonder are they even really a friend at all? lol well called to see what I was up to since she was unable to convince her boyfriend to skip work. I have fun when I'm with her, but I just always get so nervous and agitated right before I hang out with her, and I have absolutely no idea why, maybe I need therapy, everyone else in my family has a therapist. Well BOYS it's about time I get myself a boyfriend, I'm sick of the single life. I have the time for a boyfriend now that school is over, and I want to spend some quality time with someone. Well I guess I sorta suck at keeping up with this diary thing, there was this guy named Chris from Chicago that e-mailed me a little while ago saying he looked at my website, so it triggered my memory that I've better go and enter something in here. Maybe the next time I write in here I'll have myself a boyfriend and a little more to say!
Friday, Febuary 4, 2005
Well I'm keeping up with this diary quite well lol Well big news going on in my world. I am again taking classes this semester, having a blast. I am really getting into this 2D Design course that I am taking, I am also taking Drawing II which of course is a challenge that I make harder then it really is.  I am doing well at my job, I like the people I work with. I am working at a clothing store in S. Portland part-time. It's easy work, and not too many hours sine Christmas, so money is getting low. Crystal got fired from Chunky's yesterday, that was drama and a half. She got fired for a bogus reason, and I feel really bad for them....they don't realize what they have lost.  She was a great manager, and went above and beyond everyday she went to work. 6 years invested into a company, it's sad. That's life sometimes.  I hope she gets a better job that she will be more appreciated at.  I am getting a little bit of spring fever, all the spring clothes are out at work and I am excited to be getting some warmer weather, in about 3 months or so. I need to get a tan real bad though, living back in maine makes me look so Wednesday Adams lol....well I will write more soon...maybe lol
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Today is an average day. I went out to breakfast with my sister, Crystal and my mother.  I rarely go out for breakfast, because I'm either not awake or at school. I had one class, Art History at Bailey Hall.  It's an easy class, if you can stay awake. My grandmother taught me how to knitt two nights ago, and I've been knitting scarfs for everyone that I know.  So tell me your favorite color if you want one. Tonight I have to finish a drawing for my drawing class. The assignment is to draw something unorganized, and never thought about, like a junk drawer.  I'm having the hardest time with it, because I just don't want to do it.  I've waited till the last minute.  Tomorrow we are having a live model come to class to pose, I don't know if the model will be nude, but I hope not.  I'm not feeling very confident in drawing the human form yet.  All well though, I'll just have to get a good nights rest so that I will be fresh for the morning.